Before: Originally this was where the wood stove was, our fire-place is behind it, with a shared chimney. By the time we bought the house, there were already cupboards here. When we renovated the kitchen in the early 90's, we put the cook-top above the large cupboard.
During: We had always wanted to tile the space around the stove top, so this was our opportunity. Who would have realised there were so many different white rectangular tiles? Well, lots of other kitchen/ bathroom renovators I guess, but it allowed for some frank exchanges of opinion between Rick and myself. I thought I didn't mind what we did, but then when something was suggested I would recoil in horror at the idea! And the edging of the tiles! That was another major topic of discussion, negotiation and compromise :-)
But, I did learn a new skill - you can call me "The Tile-cutter". I don't think I'll be giving up my day job any time soon to go into the tiling trade, but it was very satisfying to learn something new and be able to help Rick who did the majority of the work.
Of course, in an old house, there are no square edges and few straight ones, but Rick suppressed his engineering exactness and fudged as necessary.
After: At last! It's in. I was at work and popped in at lunch time to see a pot of pasta that Jono had already cooked on the new stove! With cherry tomatoes and home-made pesto no less.
Jono and his friend Danny then christened the oven by baking a deliciously moist apple cake. I hope this cooking style continues (ie me NOT cooking).
I didn't get an opportunity to cook on it tonight as we went out for fish and chips with friends, but here's a picture with the complementary grill plate in place and the wok - ready for action!
I feel ready now to tackle lots of Christmas cooking.... any requests?